:: Communication Skills ::


The ten commandments of communication:

a. Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating.

b. Examine the true purpose of each communication.

c. Consider the total physical and human setting whoever you communicate

d. Consult others, when appropriate in planning communications.

e. Be meaningful while you communicate, of the overtones as well as the basic content of your message.

f. Take the opportunity, when it arises to convey something of help or value to the receiver.

g. Follow up your communications.

h. Communicate for tomorrow as well as for today.

i. Be sure your actions support your communications.

j. Seek not only to be understood but to understand as well - be a   good listener.



Body language:


GESTURE                        MEANING


Arms crossed on Chest = Defensiveness

Head tilted = Interested

Stroking Chin = Evaluation, Judgement

Touching nose = Rejection, Denial

Unbuttoned coat = Agreeableness Receptivity

Unbuttoned shirts = Aggressiveness

Joined finger tips = Confidence, pride

Hand before mouth = Uncertainty/Insincerity

Hand along cheek = Contemplation, Evaluation

Pupils of eye dilated = Interested

Excessive blinking = Anxiety

Rubbing back of neck = Frustration

Leaning forward = Interest

Leaning Backward = Reserved Judgement





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